As you may or may not know we are have a party in 2 weeks.
We will be raffling off a ton of great shit. With the proceeds of said raffle going to our good friend Justin (garbage if you are a chop cult-er) and his Girl Shannon (scissors883, another culter).
If you are asking yourself "Why do they need help?" The answer is; because of some BUUUUULLLSHIT!! I will attempt to make it a short and understandable story. Late one evening last week our friends went to a local bar for an evening cocktail, we all need a little time out and about to help relax. Shannon needed to use the restroom. As she was headed there she bumped into a douche bag, he grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against a wall. A little info about Shannon, she's maybe 110lbs, soaking wet, with boots on and a pocket full of change, she is a mellow sweet chick, fun to be around and just a pleasant person to know. So that wasn't enough for roid head, douche bag (a trouble maker there in Littleton) he had to fuck with her some more. The easy decision to leave was made. Justin is getting his life in order and didn't need any drama, so they left. Here come captain asshole. He assaults our good friend. Repeatedly attacking him Justin, in defense of himself and his lady, fought back. In the scuffle d-bag gets cut (don't go bitching now, here in NE I could and would legally shoot this asshole) Now our friend was arrested for defending himself and his lady. He had to make bail and now get a lawyer. Now this is an over simplified story; but y'all have short attention spans so I'll end it.
Justin is one of those guys that goes out of his way to help others, now it's our turn to help him. We will donate the proceeds to help out. Now for the added stuff!
A New paint job for your scoot!!!
Our Friend Nate Channey will be donating a paint job for your scoot (should you win) He was a body shop manager for years and does really good work, as you will see when he shows up on his killer chop.
Made for her custom wallet chains!!
Our new friend Kim will be donating some lady wallet chains. So some lucky lady will end up with one or some dirtbag will be getting some brownie points when he gets home!!
So show up have a drink, show off your scoot, have an epic time and help our good friends!!